Tue Feb 18 2025 20:36:20 CET
To attain knowledge, add things every day; to attain wisdom, remove things every day. --Lao Tse
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16 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
167 QSampler qsampler rncbc ASSI --- Qsampler shouldn't allow to adjust sample rate when running with JACK 2014-01-26
205 jlscp jlscp gr.iliev ASSI --- Can't open banks with non-ascii characters in path 2021-12-14
311 LinuxSam other cuse NEW --- SFZ crashes on multipoint envelope 2020-03-03
312 libgig libgig cuse NEW --- errors compiling libgig9 2020-08-17
313 LinuxSam other cuse NEW --- Effect sends not working on 2.1.1 2021-05-18
315 LinuxSam other cuse NEW --- Incorrect DESTDIR in Makefile - causing make install to stop when using prefix 2021-11-26
317 LinuxSam other cuse NEW --- LinuxSampler reports /var/lib/linuxsampler as instrument DB directory even if it's installed with prefix 2021-11-26
319 LinuxSam other cuse NEW --- Install Issues 2022-01-31
320 LinuxSam other cuse NEW --- SEGV while loading LinuxSampler LV2 plugin into Carla 2022-04-18
125 LinuxSam gig::Eng cuse ASSI --- Support for RPNs "Pitch Bend Range" and "Fine Tuning" 2013-05-31
245 LinuxSam drivers cuse ASSI --- Plugging in headphones or enumeration change in hardware stops audio output 2016-07-25
248 gigedit gigedit cuse ASSI --- gigedit 1.0.0 package dependencies can not get solved in Debian testing 2016-07-25
193 LinuxSam other cuse REOP --- ARM11 CPU not supported by RTMath.cpp 2021-05-11
321 LinuxSam gig::Eng cuse RESO INVA Playback of two consecutive identical midi notes doubles volume of note or causes phasing 2023-09-16
309 LinuxSam other cuse RESO LATE Improve key group handling (off_by) with a flexible approach to polyphony 2019-04-24
316 gigedit gigedit andreas56 NEW --- gigedit v1.2.0 does not compile with CLANG 2021-11-26
16 bugs found.
