Sun Dec 8 2024 23:11:52 CET
A talent is formed in stillness, a character in the world's torrent. --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Hide Search Description
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
311 LinuxSam other cuse NEW --- SFZ crashes on multipoint envelope 2020-03-03
313 LinuxSam other cuse NEW --- Effect sends not working on 2.1.1 2021-05-18
315 LinuxSam other cuse NEW --- Incorrect DESTDIR in Makefile - causing make install to stop when using prefix 2021-11-26
317 LinuxSam other cuse NEW --- LinuxSampler reports /var/lib/linuxsampler as instrument DB directory even if it's installed with prefix 2021-11-26
319 LinuxSam other cuse NEW --- Install Issues 2022-01-31
320 LinuxSam other cuse NEW --- SEGV while loading LinuxSampler LV2 plugin into Carla 2022-04-18
193 LinuxSam other cuse REOP --- ARM11 CPU not supported by RTMath.cpp 2021-05-11
7 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "other" component of the "LinuxSampler" product